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My Code of Ethics

Below I share about my personal code of ethics and what I find to be important in my personal and professional life.  I believe that each of these can be applied in order to improve my relationships with future colleagues and superiors. 

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No. 1 Respect

I find it extremely important to show respect to everyone and to receive respect from everyone.  I believe that having respect for others shows a lot about you and what you value, and I value respect.

No. 3 Growth 

I think that growth is so, so important whether that be personal growth in yourself or professional growth within the workplace.  Exhibiting growth can take some hard work and perseverance, but I find that that makes the growth that much more rewarding.

No. 5 Work Ethic 

Hard work is a must for me.  I love applying myself to my school work and other aspects of my life as well.  I believe that having a strong work ethic can really make or break certain things in your life, which is why it is important to have a strong work ethic.

No. 2 Truth 

I take honesty and sharing the truth to be very important in the workplace and in my personal life.  I find that when you tell the truth, whether good or bad, you can learn valuable lessons.  Telling the truth only helps to strengthen the workplace environment.

No. 4 Compassion 

I find that kindness and compassion can really go a long way.  I've always tried to remind myself that you never know what someone else may be going through, therefore I always try my best to show compassion and kindness to everyone.  If my actions or words can make their day better, then I consider that to be a win. 

No. 6 Inclusion 

Inclusion and making others feels welcomed is something that I find to be very, very important.  I would never want anyone to feel as if they are not included or not welcome into a conversation or event.

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