
My Projects
I have attached a variety of projects and marketing plans that I have created and contributed to while at Fareway Stores Inc., Iowa State University & Des Moines Area Community College. These projects and plans have included clients such as Fareway Stores, Kizik Shoes, Anthony's Goods, Bare Snacks, Ben and Jerry's, HelloFresh, The Hair Studio, Shake Shack, Victoria's Secret, Smokey Row, and a news story for the ISU Fashion Show. I have written a description and attached links for my creations for each project.
Fareway Stores, Inc.
Social Media Intern
Summer 2023

For the summer of 2023, I was lucky enough to be the Social Media Intern for Fareway Stores located in Boone, IA. Throughout this internship, I created and scheduled content for their corporate pages, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. I created content for new products, employee and intern spotlights, recipes, mini-series, national food days, and more. Using Canva, as well as video apps, I was able to use my creative skills to find the best outlets to reach our customers in the most appropriate ways.
In addition to content creation, I had a variety of other tasks including our inbox leading me to answering questions and concerns of our customers and creating solutions for them. I also was tasked with running our huge 10-week Summer Sweepstakes, allowing me to pick prizes and winners, and reach out to store locations for prize pickups. I ran a variety of smaller giveaways too.
The final large task I helped with was our athlete ambassador program, ReppintheF. I created designs for and packaged our merch boxes, brainstormed incentives and ideas for our athletes' content creations, as well as sent out monthly emails to our athletes.
Found here is some of my favorite videos, graphics, and overall content that I have created.
TikTok: Summer Sippin' Drinks Series
TikTok Recipes
No-Bake Cheesecake Bites
Charcuterie Board
Melted Chocolate and Strawberries
TikTok: Kid's Crafts
TikTok: Store Events
Sour Grapes
Car Chaos
Turtle Time
Annual Iowa Best Bagger Contest
at the Iowa State Fair
New Store Location Opening
Red, White, and Blue Layered Cocktail
Blue Lagoon Cocktail
Green Hawaiian Cocktail
Malibu Sunrise Cocktail
TikTok: Funny Content
Frozen Watermelon Daiquiri
Purple Rain Cocktail
Finding Nemo Singing Boy Meme
Cat Driving Meme
Fareway Meat and Grocery Graphics
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
New Product Post
**Click the image to make it larger
National Waffle Day Twitter Post
**Click the image to make it larger
New Product Post
**Click the image to make it larger
Charcuterie Board Post/Edit
**Click the image to make it larger
Instagram Giveaways Posts
**Click the images to make them larger
Instagram Stories
**Click the images to make them larger
Fareway Meat Market Online Graphics
Facebook and Instagram
Instagram Stories
**Click the images to make them larger
Facebook Posts
**Click the images to make them larger

Kizik Shoes
Advertising Campaign
December 2022
For my Advertising Creativity final, we were given the choice between three different clients for our campaign. I chose Kizik Shoes, the hands-free footwear. For my campaign I decided to focus on the target market of pregnant women, leading me to create "Kizik Shoes: Leading You to Life's Miracles One Step at a Time". For this campaign, I used Photoshop and Canva to create a magazine print ad, billboard, radio ad spot, and a storyboard and script. In addition, I planned and executed 3 social media posts including 2 Instagram advertisements and 1 Facebook advertisement. Aiming for comfort and convenience, I believe that I was able to used my skills learned in order to execute a strong message in order to reach my target market.
the magazine print ad I created
***click the image to make it larger
the Instagram ad I created
***click the image to make it larger
the Facebook ad I created
***click the image to make it larger
the Instagram ad I created for a giveaway
***click the image to make it larger
the storyboard I created for a commercial
***click the image to make it larger
the radio ad I created
***click the image to make it larger
the script for the storyboard I created
***click the image to make it larger
the billboard ad I created
***click the image to make it larger
Anthony's Goods
Advertising Campaign
October 2022

For my Advertising Creativity midterm, we were given a product and had to create an advertising campaign in order to reach a chosen market. Our product was Anthony's Allulose Sweetener and my chosen market was those 25-35 years old. With a campaign focusing on using this sugar alternative for baking, I chose the tagline "Anthony's Allulose Sweetener Brilliant for Baking". I used Photoshop in order to execute a print ad for this campaign which would be placed in a magazine. To add to the campaign, I created an Instagram post and social media animation for a mock-up bakery that I created showcasing the product. In addition, I created a storyboard and script for a commercial featuring Anthony's Allulose Sweetener. I used the elements and creativity skills that I took from this class and applied them thoroughly to this campaign.
the Instagram post I made for the mock up bakery
***click the image to make it larger
the magazine ad I created for baking
***click the image to make it larger
the storyboard I made for the commercial
***click the image to make it larger
the script I made for the commercial
***click the image to make it larger

Ben and Jerry's
Advertising Campaign
May 2022
the Facebook post I created
***click the image to make it larger
the TikTok post I created
***click play to view the video
For my JLMC 201 final, I was given the opportunity to create an advertising campaign for a company/brand of my choice. I chose the popular ice cream company Ben and Jerry's and created the tagline, "Lots of Love with Ben and Jerry's". I created a creative brief, print advertisement, social media advertisement, as well as a 10-second video showcasing what this campaign could offer. With a goal of displaying the love that Ben and Jerry's can express whether sharing with a loved one or crying into a pint after a breakup, I presented the love that Ben and Jerry's has through a variety of advertisements.
the print ad I created
***click the image to make it larger
Advertising Creativity: Additional Projects
August 2022-December 2022

Within my Advertising Creativity course, we have learned a variety of ways to advertise and execute products to an audience. Some of these include billboards, radio spots, a brochure, and storyboards with scripts. I have attached an example of my workings for each of these mediums. I created a billboard using Photoshop for Lava Soap & Hand Cleaner. I have also written two radio spots for Celsius Fitness Drinks with the help of two classmates. I have made a brochure layout for Dubuque, IA. In addition, I have executed storyboards and scripts for Merry Maids Cleaning Services with the help of two classmates, as well as for Bare Snacks by myself.
the storyboard I created for Bare Snacks
***click the image to make it larger
the script I created for Bare Snacks
***click the image to make it larger
the script I created for Merry Maids
***click the image to make it larger
the storyboard I created for Merry Maids
***click the image to make it larger

the brochure I created for Dubuque, IA
***click the top image to make it larger
the billboard I created for Lava Soaps
***click the image to make it larger
HelloFresh Marketing Plan
January 2022-April 2022
My contributions have been marked with 3 red asterisks in the top corner. ***

With the help of 4 other classmates, I am currently working on and creating a marketing campaign for the national food delivery service, HelloFresh. So far, my contributions have included creating a client introduction, a competitive landscape with 12 competitors, 2 growth strategies, a persona map for our new target market, a brand associations map, as well as 2 new product ideas to appeal to our target market. With a goal of reaching a new target market of 65+, we have been able to come up with many concepts to reach this goal and chosen demographic.
the competitive landscape I created
***click the green link above to view entire part one including the competitive landscape and growth strategies

the persona map I created for
our chosen target market
***click the green link above to view entire part two including the persona map and brand map
the brand map I created

the design problem I created
the first product idea I created,
Hello Desserts
the second and chosen product idea I created,
the perceptual map I created
***click the green link above to view entire part three including the design problems, product ideas, and perceptual map
"The Hair Studio" PR Media
Kit & Advertisements
April 2022

For my JLMC 201 class, we were given the task of choosing a business and creating a PR Media Kit for them. My chosen business was "The Hair Studio" a small-town hair salon in Ellsworth, IA. I interviewed their owner and used this information to created the PR kit which included a contact list, facts about the business, as well as a strategy statement. I was also able to create a mock-up back to school event that "The Hair Studio" could put on. In addition, this fabricated event was my focus for my press release, my print advertisement and my social media advertisement that I created. With a goal of sharing more about this fine business and sharing what they have planned for future events, I was able to showcase what "The Hair Studio" has to offer.

the PR media kit I created
***click the left image to make it larger
the press release I created
***click the image to make it larger
the print ad I created
***click the image to make it larger
the social media post I created
***click the image to make it larger
Shake Shack Medium Plan
March 2022-April 2022
My contributions have been marked with 3 red asterisks in the top corner. ***

For my Advertising Media Planning class, I, as well as 3 other students created a medium plan for Shake Shack and their move to the west coast. Looking specifically at Los Angeles, CA and our target market, we had to find the ideal mediums and tactics to use to reach our goal of making Shake Shack the top environmentally friendly fast food places in the L.A. area all while using a budget of $4.5 million. My main contributions consisted of the media plan summary, the tactics used (paid, earned, owned), the SWOT analysis, the timing and scope, and the budget allocation. With a goal of making Shake Shack successful, and going on to present our plan to the global digital company, PMG, we were able to see how our plan would work in the real world.

the medium plan summary I created
***click the green link to the right to
see the entire plan
the tactics used and SWOT analysis I created
***click the green link to the right
to see the entire plan

the timing and scope I created
***click the green link above to see the entire plan
the budget allocation I created
***click the green link above to see the entire plan
News Story--ISU Fashion Show
March 2022
For this assignment, I wrote a news story previewing the Iowa State University Fashion Show. I interviewed 3 of the Fashion Show's members including a modeling director, special events director, as well as an outreach producer. Following APA style guidelines, I was able to showcase what this year's theme of resurgence means to the Fashion Show and the sense of revival of the Fashion Show post-COVID. With a goal of showcasing the process and hard work that has been into this year's Fashion Show, I have been able to use resources and research to create this article assignment.

the news story I created
***click the image to make it larger

Victoria's Secret Medium Plan
February 2022-March 2022

My contributions have been marked with 3 red asterisks in the top corner. ***
With the help of 2 classmates, I have contributed to creating a medium plan for the popular retail outlet, Victoria's Secret. For this project we were given a remaining $100,000 for advertising during a single month, using a single medium, for a single demographic market, as well as in a single DMA. My contributions for this project has included the overview, competitor research, and current advertising efforts. I also reviewed the overall impact including the number of impressions made, the reach & frequency, and plans to reach our target market. With a goal of regaining trust in the brand and expanding their consumer base, we have been able to create a social media campaign plan to execute this.
the overview I created
***click the green link to the right
to see the entire plan
the overall impact I created
***click the green link to the right
to see the entire plan
Smokey Row Advertising Campaign
November 2020-December 2020
My contributions have been marked with 3 red asterisks in the top corner. ***

With the help of 3 other classmates, we created an advertising campaign for Smokey Row Coffee Co., specifically the Des Moines, IA location. My contributions to this project included the title page, target market analysis, creative strategy, media selection, service agreement, as well as the print advertising. With a goal of reaching college students and families in the area, we were able to create advertisements and creative strategies to execute this successfully.